Monday, March 30, 2009

more from the weekend

after eating at pizza hut the kids wanted quarters to buy junk from the machines. nicholas was thrilled they had an entire machine filled with moustaches. he thought it would be hilarious to pretend to be jason.

how sweet is this picture? sunnie wasnt feeling so great and was a bit fussy. while i was getting ready i asked aj to hold her. i walked out of the bathroom to find this. he really is a good brother. He really is kinda human under all that teenagerness. (of course thats a word, didnt you know)

so proud of my kiddos... they may not have been on their best behavior the entire weekend but at dinner with my dad they sure acted like little angels. well, except for nicholas saying aj is a pimp but i stopped him quickly.

boy!!! is this kid handsome or what?

this girl loves her food. I'm sure she got that from me.


Which Hat Today? said...

What a good looking family. AJ is the best teenager. How many do you know would take such good care of their baby sister?