Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One of them weeks.....

I read this on a message board and thought it would be so fitting for me this week. I wonder if its okay for me to copy and paste whatever i want. oh well, i guess it has to be because i did it.
As of tomorrow morning I'm gonna start looking for the place that will serve me one of those take life problems away drinks. ok, so i'm not stupid (not very smart but definitely not stupid)
I know it wont take my problems away so thats just a joke. There is no need to do an intervention.
No pictures of the kiddos today, sorry. But I will tell you what jojo was up to yesterday.
I put sunnie for her morning nap and let joey have his tv time so i can workout on the treadmill.
all was okay until joey said, "mom!!! Dora is not on the tv only a box!!!!"
I just let it go and told him wait a minute.
well, something clicked in my head and i figured, oh no thats not a good idea to wait with jojo.
Sure enough Joey was ordering pay per view. Wanna know what he was ordering? well, of course you do. OVER 30 & DIRTY!!!!!
He was on the last "step" of ordering it- You are ordering this PPV movie, is that correct? Thank goodness i walked in because I was able to click NO......
As we are driving down the freeway-
joey- "mom granny said wicked is a bad word"
me- "well, jojo it depends on how your using it. It could be good or bad."
joey- "how bout damn mom?"
me- "Jo, I already told you yesterday that is not a good word for you to say."
joey- "oh, you told me DAMN is not a good word."
me- "yes!!! dont be saying that word!!!"
joey- "what word mom? damn?"
me (wanting to pull out my hair or throw something in his direction) "yes joey!!!
dont say damn."
I think i will get a head start on finding that drink. I just might get myself in the car right now and start my search.


all4sydney said...

OH NO!!! I'm sorry you have has such a bad day!!! Hope it is better soon!!