I finally finished a project. WHEW!!!!! it seems like i have been working and working on different projects and never finishing them. Well, a member of jasons band had a birthday so I figured this would be perfect. Its kinda hard to make something for a grown man especially when it has to do with suckers,lol. well, what do you think? I was worried he (they) may take offense to it but according to J he didnt. This is my version on the idea taken from the "crafty" ladies over on the cricut message board.
In my last post I said I would be posting pictures joey took but that is just not gonna happen tonight but will shoot for tomorrow. I really do want to get them on here because they are so darn funny. I noticed 81 pictures were being uploaded and only 6 of those were mine. joey took 75 pictures so that is gonna take some time to sort through. check back tomorrow!!!!!
Dust Storm Coming!!!
15 years ago
You truly have a talent for being creative.
I love it!!! You did a good gob!!
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