Wednesday, March 18, 2009

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was sitting at my table and saw jason drive up from work. what i didnt see he was carry these beautiful roses. What a wonderful unexpected surprise.... Then of course he walked out of the room and I said, huh, i wonder what he did or wants? I WAS TOTALLY KIDDING!!!!! i love them and i love that he was thinking about me today (other than my nagging voice in his head lol). Thank you honeyyyyyyyyyyyyy, i love you!!!! ok now onto the next breaking news-------

I finished another project, wow!!!!! two in two days is a record for me. The little boys went to a birthday party tonight with my mother in law so they needed a gift for the birthday boy. I got the idea from cricut message board (AGAIN). I thought it was such a cute idea i knew i had to make one so here is my take on it.....


all4sydney said...

Awwwwwww that is sooooooo SWEET!!! Congrats :)

I love the bucket!! You did an awesome job!!

Which Hat Today? said...

Your birthday gift was the talk of the birthday party. Everyone just loved it. You are the BEST!!