I actually baked and i think i liked it. I decided to make mud cups- chocolate cookie with choc. pudding a gummy worm and crushed oreo cookies. they were very easy and quick to make. I also made princess cake pops that turned out soooooo good. I will have to post those later because jason and i ate the 2 that were done and now i have to make the rest. cute and yummy whats better then that??????
Look how handsome my boys look clean cut. I finally told nicholas since he has a hard time remembering to wash his long hair with shampoo its getting cut off. She cut his hair he jumped off the chair stomped to the car and put his hat on and 2 hrs later he has yet to remove it.... except when i forced him to for the picture. 
i finally have my handsome boy back. no long hair covering up his face.
that is such a typical joey face. cant you just see how mischievous he is?
joey: "mom i have gum stuck in my nose."
mom: "what were you doing putting gum in your nose? nic, give joey a wipe so he can blow his nose."
joey sitting in way back picking and stuffing wipe up his nose, nicholas sitting in middle row crying and aj sitting upfront cracking up...
Nic: "joey dont pick your nose it will get worse!!!!!!!"
joey: "can't blow... oh, i blew out a booger.. YAY!!!!"
at this point nicholas is crying uncontrollably very worried about his brother.
Aj: "mom you need to talk to nicholas and calm him because you are the parent."
I'm thinking REALLY thanks for that info.
mom: "nicholas why are you crying? joey will be fine i just need to get home and pull it out."
nicholas: "I'm (aaaaaaahhhhhh) just (aaaaaaaaaaa) worried about my brother."
joey: "nic i B fine, i B fine."
we turn the corner of our street and joey shouts, "I GOT IT OUT!!!"
nicholas starts crying louder
nic: "Now i'm crying because i'm (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) so happy not because i'm worried (aaaaaaa)!"
during these crazy situations I just sit back and think is this really happening? All at one time I'm laughing, yelling, feeling so angry, reaching over to the back to locate sunnies paci so she can stop crying and trying to think of what or how i'm going solve this problem. Thank goodness most things are hilarious and minor so it makes for a good laugh....
Oh my gosh!!! What in the world. . . . There is no way that these wonderful Soto children are behaving the way you have just described! Are you sure you got into the right Suburban?
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