I know its been awhile since i promised these pictures but better late than never right? I'll refresh your memory a bit ok we needed a picture of the two of us and well nobody was around to do it so I had to. joey thought that was the coolest thing. That night i was uploading my 6 pictures and it said i had 81 pictures to upload. i knew something was weird about that but as the pictures were popping up I knew who to blame. Joey knows not to touch my camera but that never really stops that boy it probably pushes him a little harder. I love his pictures so much that i'm gonna make a scrapbook with them.
He almost got brenda in this one.
well, there is the rest of her face and a lot of joeys.
this is the best!!! you can see his foot....
there is his foot again. i was just wishing the mirror on left wouldve been angled toward him so i could see the look on his face. the other 70 pictures are much of the same, feet, lens cap and half of his sisters face/head.
So i thought it was only my 3 yr old who used my camera and took self photos without permission. that would be a big fat NO!!!! here is my teenager posing for HIMSELF!!!!????
my dad was over visiting last weekend and i briefly was telling him how i want to strangle aj because of all his nonsense. my dads response- (throwing his arms in the air) "oooohhh, there is a God!!!!!!!!! paybacks do happen... its your turn now. Hahahahahaha...!"
What in the world? a simple, oh i'm sorry your having to deal with all that wouldve been nice.
he better watch out and hope its not me that chooses his nursing home. hahaha we'll see who is laughing then (insert evil laugh) again, i'm just kidding but it sounded good....
What a great photographer that little Jojo is becoming. lol He just knew that his feet are going to be famous some day and he wanted to make sure he had some good photos of them!!
Way to go JoJo. To cute. Okay we get to choose the nursing home not just you. He tells me payback all the time how stupid. Like he actually took me to ballet for 5 years straight I dont look at it as pay back Im lucky to be able to take her.
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