Sunday, April 5, 2009

I just cant believe it...

I finished 3 projects this weekend!!!! i do have pictures but first 2 of little mr. soto. goodness this boy is so darn cute. what can i say i am his mother after all ;)...

this is the perfect tshirt for him- I DONT HAVE TO TAKE THIS I'M GOING TO MY GRANDMAS. (joey says grannys in place of grandmas) didnt i tell you its perfect? I have informed my in laws that i'm gonna start charging them for my babysitting services with jojo. of course the reply was "ill gladly pay".

my mother in law needed a 25th wedding ann. gift and well ive never made anything for an anniversary of any kind so it was a bit hard for me. this is what i came up with.

i'll tell you i'm never very happy with my creations but i really liked how these note cards turned out. set of 8 monogram cards with matching envelopes and the little sticky things to seal the card.

my last project for the weekend. my mom needed a gift for a 6 yr old birthday. yesterday when i started it i was wondering what theme i should go with. well, hello kitty was my 2nd choice and i was very glad i decided that. unknown to me she was having a hello kitty party! perfect!
i wasnt very pleased with how it turned out but hey what can i do now? i always seem to be rushing at the last minute to get things done. i really need to start using my time more wisely ;)... the laundry, dishes, sweeping and the kids can all just do without me while i craft. who needs a clean house (obviously not me) and who needs to know what their kids are doing at all times during the day. you know i'm just kidding but it sounded good for a split second lol.


Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

Holy Moly I love all your crafts. I want to learn how to make the cards. Dont know what I will do with them but want to. One day I am going to copy you and make a cake. I also of course want a name frame. BTW the pic of Aj and Sunnie is priceless.

valleyofheat said...

Your so creative. You need to start a little side business. You'd make a fortune.

Which Hat Today? said...

You know, Bridgette, you already have customers for your business. All you have to do is put a price on the crafts that you show on your blog and before long you'll be so busy that . . ." the laundry, dishes, sweeping and the kids can all just do without me while i craft. who needs a clean house (obviously not me) and who needs to know what their kids are doing at all times during the day", because you will have a housekeeper and a nanny!!!

~BridgetL~ said...

I totally love the Hello Kitty cake. Great job.

all4sydney said...

AWESOME, Bridgette!! You did a GREAT job on those!! Those cards are BEAUTIFUL!!
Sydney is having a HK party in May so I will have to steal your HK decoration! If you don't mind and if you have TIME (i know you are so busy) would you e-mail me on how you made it???? I would love to make one of those!

I'm so behind on checking your have been busy ;)