Tuesday, April 7, 2009

ode to auntie glopeepa!!!!

*starbucks nonfat iced extra cinnamon chai tea- $3.50ish x few times a month
*2 passes good for any movie anytime (usually theres more restrictions than its worth) $20.00
*3 books of mcdonalds money- $15.00
*having her come over 2 times a week to do homework with nicholas- PRICELESS......
of course i have a lot more reasons i appreciate and love glo. I'll just give you a few because we dont want her head getting too big (just kidding glo).
for one she is so easy to talk to. you know sometimes with people you have to do the whole blah,blah,blah crap. well, she is definetly not the blah blah blah type and thats a good thing (to me anyway).
Next- she finds my family and our "misfortunes" as hilarious as i do.
last one for today anyway- she loves my family. Starting with jason (HELLO she was his aunt first so thats a given) all the way down to hershey (well i think she loves my dog????) and all of us in between. the thing about that is she doesnt even have to tell us how she feels we all just know it. now how cool is that????
Glo, i mentioned this to you before but i'd really and truly appreciate it if you continue being a kick @ss employee at work because we seem to benefit off of that ;)...... of course i'm just kidding, well, kinda because i'm still thinking how nice it was to only pay $17.00 for 3 of us to enter the theater and for a 3D movie no less :) :).........


Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

I will second that she is an awesome aunt. How cool you did get to see the movie.

Which Hat Today? said...

I agree. What would we do without "auntie glopeepa"!!! Or maybe, it's what would all of us do without that wonderful Soto family? (Yes, Hershey, that includes you, too)!

Anonymous said...

hi i done with twlight new moon and amost done with the third