Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I really should be doing something productive

I can't imagine what i would get done if I spent as much time on important things as i do meaningless (at times) ridiculous things. oh well, most of the time thats what makes me happy so isnt that what it should all be about. (lol)

we were all very excited when sunnie learned to crawl up and down the step in our house. That meant we didnt have to move furniture around to block her so she wouldnt get hurt.

see what i'm telling you. At target this morning as i was looking at sunnie i thought, Hum, I bet i could get her hair into 2 little pony tails. well, of course i had to come home and do just that. she has to be the sweetest thing.

you could see my lazy dog sleeping. sometimes i have to shake him to make sure he's still alive and believe it or not he is only 3 yrs old.

now you can see those oh so cute pony tails. this poor girl the things i've done to her but it all seems ok with her. she seems to have a lot of patience for her mother which is good for me ;)...


valleyofheat said...

Her hair is adorable. I like the outfit too. It must be getting warm there.

Which Hat Today? said...

What a big girl. Sunnie girl, you are gorgeous!!!!