Monday, April 20, 2009

How exciting!!!! my first blog award....

Thank you Bridget L. for giving me the kreativ blogger award. you could see bridgets blog here

  • Here are the RULES for this AWARD:

  • 1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.

  • 2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.

  • 3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.

  • 4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.

  • 5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.

  • 6. Post links to 7 blogs you nominate.

  • 7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated. You can copy and paste the award on to your blog.

oh boy now i have to list 7 things people might find interesting about me. ugh! thats a hard one because i'm so far from interesting,lol. well, here it goes.

  1. There is no such thing as too much pink.

  2. i think ladybugs are cute when they arent flying around my head. I HATE BUGS!!!!

  3. i own a pretty sparkly guitar but dont know how to play it.

  4. I think message boards are sometimes just as good as soap operas lol.

  5. i dont mind waiting to get refunded 2 cents if the store over charged me even if it takes an hour to get it.

  6. i look at magazines from the last page forward

  7. i'm not a sports fan but will watch a game if my kids are playing. I HATE SPORTS!!! more so if they are outdoors. ugh! hate outdoors..... (still keeping fingers crossed sunnie will love ballet so i could sit INSIDE the studio where its nice and temperature controlled and no yucky dirt,wind or bugs. Like my luck usually goes she's gonna love softball.)
Now i will be the terrible blogger and wait til i have time to post the rest. I dont think i've been on the computer since friday night. I'm telling you these people that live in my house are so darn needy. I just have to keep reminding myself there will come a day i wish they would need me. Like the song says, "your gonna miss this".


~BridgetL~ said...

I have to say that I can relate to all 7 of your things about you. I hate getting dirty and go figure I end up with 4 boys.

Love the pigtales!