Monday, April 13, 2009

she's almost 1...

I cant believe it! i remember when sunnie was born i would tell jason, I sure wish we were celebrating her first birthday already." well, i said that only because we were still unsure of the outcome of her nevus (birthmark on her forehead). At the time i just wanted to know it wasnt cancer. i guess my thinking was if i could fast forward through this time it would all be okay and thank God it did end up ok. we do have to go see the dermatologist every 3 months and i believe after our visit in june it will be changed to 6 months. Around her 3rd birthday they will determine when they can remove it because it could always turn cancerous but right now i know shes gonna be just fine. so, in 12 days she will be the big 1 and thats where my focus will be. look how cute her hair looks i was finally able to put a rubberband in it.......


Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

OMG she is adorable. I can't wait to see you for your birthday party. Baby girl your growing so fast. Hey I have a faint recollection that I have another niece, wait a minute yeah I think I do , uh its coming to me yeah Brenda, I saw a photo of her once.

all4sydney said...

Oh Bridgette!! What a gift from God!! She is just BEAUTIFUL!!!! I thought her 1st birthday was coming soon...What are you doing her party in??? My neighbor's twins are having a party this weekend and I have been using the Sesame Street cart to decorate for her. It is soooo much fun! I'll have to put pics on my blog when we are done.

all4sydney said...

Oh... I forgot to tell you that I love the look of your new blog!!

~BridgetL~ said...

Come on by my blog to pick up your blog award