I remember last year hearing about 8th grade R.O.P.E but i didnt think i would ever get there. well, in reality i knew better. For everyone that knows us well knew we were a little unsure if AJ was gonna go onto high school. of course, he made it by the hair on his chinny chin chin, lol. Truthfully I thought ROPE (right of passage experience) was a bit of nonsense but I dont run that school (or any school for that matter) so I dont think they really care what i feel. I remember the end of 8th grade for me. we had a graduation type assembly and took a field trip to a local amusement park. Now everything has gotten weird and "correct". People say you cant have a kindergarten graduation because they are not actually graduating but going on to 1st grade. What is cuter than seeing a lil one in a cap and gown?? You now have to have a 5th grade completion assembly because they are not graduating but going on to 6th grade. Who knows next there will be no high school graduation because they are not actually graduating but going onto college or life.
I hate all this supposed correctness (is that a real word? i guess it is now lol). Kinda off subject but kinda not. At one of brendas school meetings a man asked me "what is her exceptionality? I looked at him like WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!! I then said, "her disability?" I'm all for making things better and nice in this world but come on people. If the sky is blue I say its blue, if a dog barks I say he barks and since my daughter was born with severe disabilities thats just what it is. anywho back to my regular post.
aj getting his rope pin from his advisory teacher.
Nic got up on saturday morning and made everyone breakfast. can you believe i actually let him? well, they seemed to enjoy it more then any meal we have fixed.
Ohhh that is so cool that you let him make breakfast!! He will remember that for ever!!
You have been busy!! You better slow down girl ;) I know...you would if you could :)
Oh I almost forgot....AJ is one handsome your man!!
Way to go AJ. Nicholas can come and make breakfast at my house anytime he wants to since Grandpa believes that is a good breakfast as well.
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