Thursday, July 23, 2009

dancing girl

I know this video is dark and not very good but its from my cell phone so what can we expect.

Sunnie is growing way too fast and it makes me kinda sad because thats it for babies in our family. At the same time its so much fun to watch her grow and develop. jason says she is too dramatic for him and on most days i think he's afraid to tell her good morning,lol. of course, i love my boys like crazy but there is just something different about a little girl. when i had brenda (almost 18 yrs ago) i would picture her being a typical little girl like sunnie. we all know God had different plans for the two of us. I'm very thankful to brenda because i truly believe i owe her my life but thats for another time another post. It just amazes me the differences between girls and boys starting at birth or i'm sure before ;)......


~BridgetL~ said...

how sweet. I wish I had just one little girl. I guess I will just have to wait for grandbabies.

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

OMG Sunnie you are sooooo very cute. You go girl.